Student Life
- Preschool & Pre-Kindergarten
- Kindergarten
- Elementary
- Middle School
- High School
- Parent-Student Handbook
Preschool & Pre-Kindergarten
The preschool and pre-kindergarten are excellent early childhood learning programs teaching children through creative projects in academics, music, art, and poetry. Our classes are designed to provide a happy learning atmosphere where the teacher can lovingly meet each child's personal needs.
Fine Arts Program
Students will learn how to sing simple songs on pitch, tap a steady beat, count and tap different timing patterns, learn note names and their values, recognize the names and sounds of musical instruments, and experience increased vocabulary and fine motor skill awareness.
Schaumburg Christian School offers both full-day and half-day Kindergarten programs. Kindergarten is an integral part of the total school program. It is not a baby sitting service or play-school, but an enjoyable opportunity to learn phonics based reading, numbers, printing, music, and art. Students completing the program participate in a beautiful cap and gown graduation ceremony.
Fine Arts Program
Students in kindergarten may begin their music education through the Musical Maestros program that is taught in a group setting. This program is designed to develop a strong musical foundation by helping children learn about musical concepts, vocabulary, and musical history. Students will learn and experience music through barred, stringed, and woodwind instruments, in a fund, hands-on environment. This program builds the necessary musical foundation prior to individualized instruction.
What a great age to begin teaching students athletic skills! Kindergarten boys and girls may sign-up to be a part of the spring t-ball league.
Kindergarten Graduation
Kindergarten graduation is an exciting time as the students perform a graduation program then march across the platform to receive their diplomas.
While academics are certainly a very important part of the elementary student's life, other activities are offered that help promote a well-rounded education for the student.
Field Trips
Field trips are taken at various times during the school year to places of educational interest. The Chicago area has many places of special interest and benefit for the students.
Fine Arts Program
Students in the first through fifth grades receive weekly art lessons from an art instructor providing instruction on the various art forms and mediums. Students in grades one and two have art incorporated into the regular curriculum as taught by their classroom teacher.
Students are encouraged to actively participate in the various music opportunities available to them at Schaumburg Christian School. Beginning in fourth grade, students have the opportunity for private music lessons on instruments in the brass, piano, strings, or woodwind categories. Beginning in fourth grade, students may participate in elementary beginning band. All students have weekly music classes part of the overall curriculum and participate in their grade-specific choir.
Spring time offers students the opportunity to enhance and improve their athletic skills.
- T-Ball League: First through third grade boys and girls can choose to participate in an intramural t-ball league.
- Baseball: Fourth through sixth grade boys can choose to participate in an intramural baseball league.
- Basketball: Boys in fourth through sixth grade are offered the opportunity to play in an intramural basketball league.
State Competition
Each spring the fourth through sixth grade students have the opportunity to participate in the annual Illinois Association of Christian Schools Elementary Bible and Academic Fine Arts Tournament. The students compete in the areas of academic testing, art, Bible quizzing, speech, spelling, and music.
Middle School
An important part of the overall education of a middle school student is the extra-curricular activities that are offered.
Fine Arts Program
Many of the middle school students at SCS actively participate in the various music opportunities available to them. From choir to band to private music lessons in brass, piano, strings, voice, or woodwinds, the students have opportunities to learn and then to perform. The students have opportunity to perform in various school programs throughout the year as well as off campus at local businesses during the holiday season.
The middle school students have the opportunity to participate in sports year round. In the fall students may participate in boys soccer, girls volleyball, and cross country for both boys and girls. Winter sports include boys and girls basketball. Girls soccer, boys baseball, and track and field for boys and girls in the spring tops off the school year.
State Competition
Each spring the seventh through ninth grade students have the opportunity to participate in the annual Illinois Association of Christian Schools Bible and Academic Fine Arts Tournament. The students compete in the areas of academic testing, art, Bible, science fair, speech, spelling, and music.
High School
School Camp
SCS students in grades nine through twelve begin each school year with a school camp. All high school students are required to attend. The program is designed to let faculty and students get acquainted and set the spiritual tone for the school year. During this time the teachers help students develop and strengthen their personal standards to have a closer walk with God. This is done through the teaching of His Word along with exciting planned activities for the week.
State Competition
Each spring the tenth through twelfth grade students have the opportunity to participate in the annual Illinois Association of Christian Schools Bible and Academic Fine Arts Tournament. The students compete in the areas of academic testing, art, Bible, science fair, speech, spelling, and music.
National Competition
The state champions from the spring Illinois Association of Christian Schools Bible and Academic Fine Arts Tournament attend the American Association of Christian Schools (AACS) annual national Bible and academic fine arts tournament held in Greenville, South Carolina, on the campus of Bob Jones University. These students compete against other students from AACS schools for the title of national champion in their respective categories.
Fine Arts Program
Many of the senior high students actively participate in the various music opportunities available to them at Schaumburg Christian School. The senior high choir with over 80 members performs at various school functions during the year and at local businesses during the holiday season. Fifty of the choir members then have the unique opportunity to be a part of a choir tour in the spring. The senior high band program excels in its performances from classical to sacred selections.
The senior high students have the opportunity to participate in sports year round. In the fall students may participate in boys soccer, girls volleyball, or cross country for boys and girls. Winter sports include boys and girls basketball. Girls soccer, boys baseball, and track and field for boys and girls in the spring top off the school year.
Senior Trip
The annual senior trip is regarded as a significant educational experience. Therefore, all seniors are asked to participate in this activity. The cost for the senior trip is the responsibility of the senior. Seniors can raise money for their trip through wages earned while working in the kitchens during lunch time as well as through fundraisers held throughout the year.
Senior High Graduation
Senior high graduation is always a special time at Schaumburg Christian School as the students participate in a formal graduation ceremony. This is a highlight of the year for these students and their families.
Parent-Student Handbook
The new edition of the Parent-Student Handbook has a few key adjustments. We would like to point your attention to our revised student discipline procedures which will be school-wide.