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We have three Handbell Choirs at SCS.  6th grade, 7th-8th grade, and 9th-12th grade Handbell Choirs.  The groups perform at the Christmas Concert, Spring Competitions, and other special events. The groups meet twice a week during activity periods.  

About the Handbell Choir

The Handbell Choir has been a part of the Fine Arts of SCS since early on. The appeal of handbells in our school has had a rich history because of the immense educational value bells add to the music curriculum. They are challenging and fun to play. Handbells reinforce music reading and theory; they make a beautiful sound and stay in tune. The basic techniques are easily learned, yet there is considerable room for the development of very advanced techniques and musicality.

Handbell Directors

Edward Reconos

JH/SH Handbells Director


Anne Walton

6th Grade Handbells Director

6th Grade 

An auditioned group that learns the basics of handbell playing. 

7th & 8th Grade 

An auditioned group that learns the basics of handbell playing. Our 7th and 8th grade handbells group competes in the IACS Elementary competition. 

High school

An auditioned group that learns the basics of handbell playing. Our 6th grade handbells group competes in the IACS Elementary competition.